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Join us for the annual VMCi Melbourne Mini MAYhem Tour!

On this navigational tour of Melbourne’s streets take your time cruising around and chasing clues, answering questions and collecting photos of your mini in unusual spots.

Not all the action is confined to the car though –you will need to get out and physically touch, feel and scavenge the odd item or two!

Usually held in and around the inner city streets, this year the MiniMayhem navigational tour is heading to the hills. Take your time cruising along twisty roads, answering tricky questions in your quest to find hidden treasures and win some prizes.


You will also need a camera as some of the questions will have you (or your mini) posing as models in unusual spots.  This is a competition and there are prizes on offer!

This is a competition and there are prizes on offer!  There’s also a BBQ & informal Mini Show at the end, so if you want to join us just for that, you'll need to contact us during the day because the final location is unknown to competitors!


Mayhem 2023.jpg
The Details:

When: Sunday May 28th 2023. Tour starts at 9:30am and ends at around 4pm.

Where: Starting from Mount Cooper (Bundoora Park - Plenty Road, Bundoora/Kingsbury) & a finishing point which will be a secret until the day - it may never end!

Who can Enter: Everyone can enter. If you're not a member don't worry - you can sign up on the day if you want to, as of course membership is preferred.


The event is open to ALL Classic Minis and derivatives, modern MINIs or whatever car you choose to show up in (bring the mini!).


Tour directors Bryan Roebuck & Angela Schilg can be contacted for further information:

Bryan: 0434 443 105, Ange: 0402 041 223

What's Included:
  • Lots of fun!

  • A bit of MAYHEM

  • TWISTY roads

  • Some in-car Trivia for your navigator to get through

  • Sunday Afternoon BBQ

  • Sunday Afternoon Car Show

  • Prizes

  • More Prizes!

  • Smiles!

To pre-register:

To pre-register for the event (and save yourself and us a little time on the day, download the registration form below and return it via email. Registration will also be open on the day of the event at the starting point from 9:00-9:30am.

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