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The VMCI offers a 12 calendar month subscription, with all subscriptions ending annually on 30th June and recommencing on the 1st of July if renewed. The current membership period is 01/07/23 - 30/06/24

All memberships can be renewed or become active for the following membership period (ending 30/06/25) from the first of May 2024.


If you have never been a member before, or are returning after a more than two year absence then any signup after 01/04/2024 will give you an expiry date of 30/06/2025


Membership types and annual fees are as follows, with all ages taken at 1st July of the year of membership, or the initial subscription date (whichever is later).


Family memberships cover two adults aged 18 and up, as well as nominated children under 18 years of age and include:

  • One MiniMag per family per month (excluding December) mailed to the member's postal address or emailed to their nominated email address

  • An individual membership card for each family member.

  • Full membership and voting privileges for each family member.

  • The ability for each member to participate any chosen club activity during the membership period.

  • Eligibility for each member to apply for a ‘Motorsport Australia’ licence.

  • Priority invitation to all VMCI organised events and occasions.

  • Access to Motorsport events as an official.



Adult memberships are for people aged 18 and up, and include

  • One MiniMag per month (excluding December) mailed to the member's postal address or emailed to their nominated email address

  • An individual membership card

  • Full membership and voting privileges.

  • The ability to participate at any chosen club activity during the membership period.

  • Eligibility to apply for a ‘Motorsport Australia’ licence.

  • Priority invitation to all VMCI organised events and occasions.

  • Access to Motorsport events as an official.



Couples memberships cover two adults aged 18 and up and include:

  • One MiniMag per couple per month (excluding December) mailed to the primary member's postal address or emailed to their nominated email address

  • An individual membership card for each member.

  • Full membership and voting privileges for each member.

  • The ability for each member to participate any chosen club activity during the membership period.

  • Eligibility for each member to apply for a ‘Motorsport Australia’ license.

  • Priority invitation to all VMCI organised events and occasions.

  • Access to Motorsport events as an official.



Junior memberships are for people aged 18 and under, and include:

  • One MiniMag per month (excluding December) mailed to the member's postal address or emailed to their nominated email address

  • An individual membership card

  • Full membership and voting privileges.

  • The ability to participate at any chosen club activity during the membership period.

  • Eligibility to apply for a ‘Motorsport Australia’ licence.

  • Priority invitation to all VMCI organised events and occasions.

  • Access to Motorsport events as an official.


All membership fees include GST. A $3 surcharge applies for all credit card transactions.


Alternatively, if you prefer to print and fill out a form then you can download and complete the form from the link below. Post the form or bring it with you to any club meeting or event and see the Treasurer.


Payment can be made via direct transfer, Cheque/Money Order, Cash or Credit/Debit Card.


If you have any queries on the use of this form, please contact the Membership Secretary.


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