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Thank you for requesting to view the draft Constitution, which will be voted on at the 2023 VMCI AGM in November.


This constitution is based upon the model rules, provided by Consumer Affairs Victoria, and has been modified to suit our club specifically. 


We have elected to do this complete rewrite as our existing constitution was made up of amendment after amendment, and we felt it time to tidy up the loose ends and adopt the new guidelines and rules which are provided to govern all incorporated clubs, rather than those from the past.


Our already existing current constitution can be found HERE.


By and large, there are no material changes to how we will operate our Club, and if you were to compare the two documents, you would find that these changes are mostly layout, wording, and clarity. It does not change the function of the club at all, and merely pulls the document inline with what we actually do, allowing for modern methods of activity and communication. It does not remove any ability or activity from the club or club members, however it does allow future ability to adopt new activities and methods which may have been restricted by the old document.


That said, if whilst you are reviewing you find something that appears to be missing or incorrect. Please let the club know via email at which will go to The Secretary, the AGM Chair, and the Constitution working group. Please if you can use Article numbers when referencing items, and don’t be afraid to cut and paste both the new article in question, and any old or relevant article that may help us see what you have seen.


If the club elects to approve this constitution as the basis for change at the AGM, it will then need to be approved by Consumer Affairs Victoria before coming into effect. Any alterations to this document by them will need to be incorporated to effect this update, and will need to be ratified by the membership before proceeding with adoption.


Thanks again,


The Constitution Working Group

Victorian Mini Club


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