One of the many advantages of Victorian Mini Club membership is participation in the Victorian Club Permit Scheme (CPS).
About the CPS
The aim of the CPS is to protect our motoring heritage by making it affordable for enthusiasts to keep classic cars on the road. Cars on the CPS are issued with brown number plates, you cannot have personalised plates, or keep your original rego number.
Got questions? Click here to read our FAQ.

You must be a financial member of an authorised car club such as VMCi.
There is no waiting period before you can apply for a permit.
Your car must be over 25 years old and roadworthy.
The VMCi accepts all classic cars that meet the requirements, but has made a decision at this time to not accept motorcycles.
You can choose a 45 day or a 90 day permit, with the days used recorded in a special log book.
Permit Conditions
If you breach the conditions of your Permit, such as by letting your club membership lapse and driving your vehicle, VicRoads and Victoria Police will be penalised for driving an unregistered vehicle. You may also be restricted from access to the Programme in the future.
When driving your Club Permit vehicle, you must carry your VicRoads log book and permit (with that day's driving details completed). We also strongly suggest that you carry a copy of your current club membership card with your Logbook.
Application Checklist
The permit application/renewal process can seem complex, so to make things easier, we've compiled a CPS checklist that will help ensure that you've covered all your bases when applying for or renewing your permit. The checklist can be downloaded by clicking here.
You can also read more about the CPS on the VicRoads website.
To request a CPS Renewal Endorsement, simply enter the below information and click the ’Submit’ button. An endorsement form will be emailed to you at the email address registered with the VMCI. This can take up to 14 days to be processed by our volunteers so please be patient. Please note: You must be a current member for your request to be completed.
If you currently have a car that you would like to move to the CPS, you must follow these steps:
First things First:
Make sure you're a current financial Member of the VMCi. Remember this falls due on the 30th of June every year. If you're not yet a member, join!
Have your vehicle inspected and obtain a roadworthy certificate. Note these are only valid for 30 days so be prepared for action as soon as it's issued.
Your car must be more than 25 years old at the time of application, proven by manufacture date on compliance plate.
If the car is modified beyond the scope of VSI-33 and/or VSI-8 then it's the Tester's call to request VASS certification. The Tester is trained to determine this.
While you're waiting for the RWC to be issued:
Complete the VicRoads Club Permit Application Form and Vehicle Eligibility form.
Take a bunch of photos of the car; front/side, rear/side, interior, engine bay and body and engine numbers. These photo's are all listed in the Club Permit Application Checklist (link is up at the start of this page for that document).
E-mail the photos to (The photos are stored electronically, and sent electronically to VicRoads).
Once you've got all of the above together:
Make a copy of your Roadworthy Certificate - DO NOT POST YOUR ORIGINAL TO US - YOU WILL NEED IT YOURSELF.
Post the originals of the application form, eligibility form along with a COPY of the RWC - (plus copies of any VASS documentation if applicable) with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Permit Scheme Officer (check the back of your MiniMag for the current person to contact for a postal address.) Better still, bring it all along to a monthly club meeting - but still contact us first, just so that we can make sure we have everything we need in the emails before you show up for signing.
If anything is missing or incorrect the forms will NOT be signed and returned until the missing items are rectified. If we can't provide VicRoads with an accurate and complete application, then we can't provide it back to you either.
When you get the signed application form back:
Take your signed documentation and the original RWC to a VicRoads customer service centre that issues Club plates with a small bag of gold and a patient demeanour. They will issue new plates, a Permit, a Logbook and a windscreen sticker.
If you wish to have an existing permit vehicle transferred from another club to the VMCi, you will need a letter from the Permit Scheme Officer of the VMCi stating that you are a current member (VicRoads may then issue new plates).
Bolt the new plates on, apply the windscreen sticker, sign the first entry in your new logbook and go for a drive!
First things First:
Make sure you're a current financial Member of the VMCi, which falls due on 30th of June.
If your club permit is due after the start of April, you will need to have renewed your membership for the following year prior to having your permit renewed.
The Renewal Form from VicRoads is usually sent to you six weeks before the due date and includes a new Permit Windscreen Sticker and Logbook (DON'T peel any of this off yet). If you haven’t yet got the Renewal, contact VicRoads immediately.
Note: The new Permit is not valid until it's been signed by the Permit Scheme Officer AND stamped by VicRoads.
Once you’ve got your Renewal Notice:
If the vehicles appearance or engine has changed please send new photos, otherwise ignore this step as you have previously supplied photos:
Send photos of (front/side, rear/side, interior, engine bay and body and engine numbers) and e-mail the new photos to (These photos are stored electronically.)
It is not a problem if your vehicle has changed, we just need to know about it.
Once you've sorted all of the above:
Complete the above Club Permit Endorsement form online. This is usually returned to you within 2 weeks, but delays can occur in busy times of the year. You'll get a reply via the email address you used for your membership signup.
Alternately, Post the original SIGNED BY YOU Renewal Form along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Permit Scheme Officer (check the back of your MiniMag for the current contact details). If anything is missing or incorrect the forms will NOT be returned until sorted.
When you get the signed Renewal Form back from the Registrar:
Take your signed Renewal to VicRoads to be stamped with a small bag of gold and a patient demeanour.
Go home, stick the new windscreen sticker on the car, stick the new (stamped and signed) Permit in the new Logbook and proceed to enjoy your car for another 12 months!