The Victorian Mini Club Inc (VMCi) is based in Victoria, Australia and is devoted to that brainchild of the late Sir Alec Issigonis - the Mini, and all its derivatives. We have over 1000 members who own cars from the humble original Morris 850, to the latest Rover Cooper and more recently, the New Mini, the successor to the proud Mini Heritage as now produced by BMW.
The VMCi was established in 1993, but was an amalgamation of the Morris 850 Club (est. 1962) and the Mini Car Club of Victoria (est. 1977).

The Victorian Mini Club is affiliated with Motorsport Australia, and through this, with the Federation Internationale De L'Automobile (FIA). We are also affiliated with the Association of Motoring Clubs (AOMC).
Through our affiliation with Motorsport Australia and several other Car Clubs in Victoria, we are involved in all aspects of motoring with regular tours around the countryside, driver education events, monthly meetings with guest speakers, social get-togethers, Concours d'Elegance displays, and a wide range of motorsport activities including Circuit Racing, Sprints, Motorkhanas, Autocrosses and Rallies.
As if this wasn't enough, we also organise and official at motorsport events including state level events such as the Victorian State Race Series.
VicRoads recognises us as a suitable car club to participate in the Club Permit Scheme which substantially reduces the cost of keeping cars over 25 years of age on the road.
The VMCi publishes a monthly magazine - MiniMag - which features articles about club events, technical tricks and tips, and 'MiniMart' for buying and selling cars and parts.
You are sure to find an aspect of Mini motoring that will appeal to you. Check out our calendar for upcoming events!
Happy Mini'ing!
Following is the VMCi's Statement of Purpose as set out in our Club Constitution. You can learn more about the Club Constitution here.
To foster an interest in the Mini (as manufactured by B.M.C., British Leyland, Leyland Australia, BMW or any subsequent name which these Companies may trade under) in its various forms and derivatives.
To provide Members with information, advice and assistance on matters connected with the Mini and motoring in general.
To conduct social activities considered desirable and to the benefits of Members.
To promote an interest and activity in aspects of motor sport.
To maintain an affiliation with the Confederation of Motorsport Australia and, through this, with the Federation Internationale du Sport Automobile.
The main purpose of the Association is to responsibly act for the members in motorsport, in terms of training, safety and education on a not for profit basis